This is Life


Roger Ebert (18 Jun 1942-2013) was an American author, journalist, historian, screenwriter, and film critic.

Three quotes on life

⚜️ “We are put on this planet only once, and to limit ourselves to the familiar is a crime against our minds.”

“Siamo messi su questo pianeta solo una volta, e limitarci al familiare è un crimine contro le nostre menti.”

“Nous ne sommes sur la planète qu’une seule fois, et nous limiter à ce que nous connaissons est un crime contre nous.”

⚜️ “Life always has an unhappy ending, but you can have a lot of fun along the way, and everything doesn’t have to be dripping in deep significance.”

“La vita ha sempre un finale infelice, ma puoi divertirti molto lungo il cammino, e tutto non deve trasudare un significato profondo.”

«La vie a toujours une fin malheureuse, mais vous pouvez vous amuser beaucoup en cours de route, et tout ne doit pas nécessairement dégouliner de sens.»

⚜️ “There are no guarantees. But there is also nothing to fear. We come from oblivion when we are born. We return to oblivion when we die. The astonishing thing is this period of in-between.”

“Non c’è nessuna garanzia. Ma non c’è nulla da temere. Veniamo dall’oblio quando nasciamo e ritorniamo all’oblio quando moriamo. La cosa sorprendente è questo periodo di mezzo. “

«Il n’y a aucune garantie. Mais il n’y a également rien à craindre. On vient l’oubli quand on est né. On retourne à l’oubli quand on meurt. La chose étonnante est cette période d’entre-deux. “

21 thoughts on “This is Life

  1. Veniamo dall’oblio quando nasciamo e ritorniamo all’oblio quando moriamo. La cosa sorprendente è questo periodo di mezzo. “

    E’ esattamente il mio pensiero…buona serata luisa ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I don’t think life always has an unhappy ending. If it’s a painless passing of someone with deep faith, it would be a peaceful transition. And for someone with, say, Alzheimer’s, life’s ending would be a happy release from the disease that held his or her brain hostage.


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