Haile Selassie on the Triumph of Evil


Haile Selassie I born Ras Tafari Makonnen (23 July 1892 –1975) was regent of Ethiopia from 1916 to 1930 and emperor from 1930 to 1974.

  “Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”


  “Nel corso della storia, è stata l’inattività di coloro che avrebbero potuto agire, l’indifferenza di coloro che avrebbero dovuto sapere più degli altri, il silenzio della voce della giustizia quando più era importante, che ha reso possibile il trionfo del male.”


 “Tout au long de l’histoire, c’est l’inaction de ceux qui auraient pu agir, l’indifférence de ceux qui auraient dû en savoir plus, le silence de la voix de la justice quand il importait le plus qu’on l’entende, qui a rendu possible le triomphe du Mal.”

53 thoughts on “Haile Selassie on the Triumph of Evil

  1. Thank you to an Italian for this post.

    A complex man of great crimes (failure to deal with repeated famine; the illegal annexation of Eritrea); great good also and enormous courage and imagination and fortitude.

    The respect of an Ethiopian to him on this his birthday. Sarah

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  2. Io credo che bene e male siano troppo astratti e, spesso, relativi per poterli definire.
    Ed è altrettanto difficile dire cosa sarebbe potuto accadere agendo diversamente da come è stato, perché del senno di poi… e cambiare il passato avrebbe cambiato di certo il presente, comprese le sue idee, ideologie e visione del passato. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hi there Luisa. Selassie is a show and tell of history. Triumph of Evil was a big experience for him and his country. I was always sad about a documentary of WWII showed footage of Ethiopians standing in native clothes and spears in hand aimed upward at planes flying over. The planes dropped bombs on them. I believe it was Mussolini. 🙏

    Liked by 1 person

  4. La cosa più affascinante che lo riguarda è il movimento politico-religioso, nato tra la popolazione nera della Giamaica, che è incentrato sulla sua figura. È ritenuto il nuovo Messia e la seconda incarnazione di Gesù e il rastafarianesimo è stato promosso dalla musica reggae. Incredibile.

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  5. An interesting post. I finished high school in “Abissinia”, Addis Abeba, in the times of Haile Selassié. (50 years this year, OMG) At the French Lycée. I remember the extreme poverty of his people. How everyone in the street had to bow face down on the floor when he passed through in his motorcade. I thought him a tyrant then. But then came Mengistu and the DERG who were much worse. Poor Ethiopia.
    Thank you for this post.
    (Why did you pick up the topic?) 🙏🏻💕

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    1. Thank you so much, I’m glad you stopped by today and I’ve found your comment really valuable and thought-provoking.
      I started to be interested in him when I discovered that Bob Marley and Rastafarians regarded him as the God of the Black race.
      Have a wonderful weekend

      Liked by 1 person

      1. So that’s why. Yes, the “Rastafarians” believed Haile Selassie was “God” or close. You surely know the reason for the name? Haile Selassié, when he only was the Negus, was called Ras (=rex=king in Amharik) Tafari (pronounced Tah-fah-ree), which was his Christian name… The Amharik people are Christians, going back to the 8th-9th century. They are Copts like the minority Christians of Egypt. Anyway, Marley sings Rastafa-rai, because of the English pronunciation of the I.
        Ooops. Just rambled.
        Buona sera Luisa.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Nel 1935 Hailé Selassié pronunciò un toccante discorso alla Società delle Nazioni (antenata dell’ONU) per difendere l’indipendenza del suo Paese nei confronti dell’Italia che minacciava di invaderlo, cosa che puntualmente avvenne e che tra bombardamenti e gas velenosi regalò a Vittorio Emanuele III il titolo di Imperatore…

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  7. The Rastafarian Movement which is both a Religious and Political Movement is known in the 21st Century and beyond as The Church of Haile Selassie I Incorporated with the Political Organ of the Church known as The Imperial Ethiopian World Federation Incorporated or simply ( The I. E.W. F. Inc.). The Church website is (Www.HimChurch.org or Himchurch.org) The Church International World Headquarters is located in the Caribbean Sea in the Capital City of Jamaica 🇯🇲 known as Kingston on 29 Oxford Street P.O. Box 334 Western Kingston: Jamaica, The West Indies. The Misinformation surrounding the 225 Solomonic Emperor of Ethiopia because of Lack of Knowledge can be corrected by the Church which does not try to Convert anyone but only chooses to correct the Abuse because of ignorance which actually is Lack of Knowledge. Thanks! For your search for Truth and thanks for posting.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. The Rastafarian Movement which is both a Religious and Political Movement is known in the 21st Century and beyond as The Church of Haile Selassie I Incorporated with the Political Organ of the Church known as The Imperial Ethiopian World Federation Incorporated or simply ( The I. E.W. F. Inc.). The Church website is (Www.HimChurch.org or Himchurch.org) The Church International World Headquarters is located in the Caribbean Sea in the Capital City of Jamaica 🇯🇲 known as Kingston on 29 Oxford Street P.O. Box 334 Western Kingston: Jamaica, The West Indies. The Misinformation surrounding the 225 Solomonic Emperor of Ethiopia because of Lack of Knowledge can be corrected by the Church which does not try to Convert anyone but only chooses to correct the Abuse because of ignorance which actually is Lack of Knowledge. Thanks! For your search for Truth and thanks for posting.

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