Lipogramma Ⓡ

La nostra amica Eletta Senso autrice del blog Inchiostronerodenso ha proposto  nei suoi giochi linguistici  la creazione di un Lipogramma  in Ⓡ, cioè un testo in cui non deve mai comparire una determinata lettera, in questo caso la lettera Ⓡ.

Ecco il mio

“Di settimana in settimana il gioco di Eletta si fa difficile.
Un testo senza qualcosa non è poi così semplice, siccome in questo caso la cosa mancante diventa spesso essenziale, come nell’uso dell’ infinito.
Se poi l’assente non si dà pace e sta continuamente in mezzo ai piedi, come la lingua che batte dove il dente duole, il tutto diventa quasi inattuabile , una sfida impossibile
Io ho tentato con questo, ma auspico che voi, amici miei, con un po’ di impegno, facciate di meglio. Suvvia, non siate timidi! “

LuisellaTra Italia e Finlandia – ha parlato di sé:

Ogni di’ scatto tante foto all’ambiente, agli animali, al cielo, ai laghi, ai paesini dell’Italia o della Finlandia.
E’ la mia passione.
Le pubblico poi sul mio blog.
C’e’ chi le vede e mi fa un complimento: quanta gioia mi da’!

Stefanomeetusalem – ha deciso di fornire un lipogramma in T. Come sapete è un insegnante che qui si è preso la soddisfazione di dimostrarsi ribelle come alcuni suoi studenti

Luisa ancora! ma non mi vuoi far riposare , lo sai che sulle parole sono un mago (con lo zigo zago). Eppure io pendo dalle bocche delle donne come vossignoria. Ho un debole, eppur prendo sali minerali, ma quando oltre il cuore lavorano pure i muscoli ci sono delle defaillances! Ma sei sempre la mia fanciulla (ahaha!) del Nord!

Paolina amareilmare – ha composto questi bei versi:

Acqua salata

sbatte impetuosa.
Vedo nel cielo
nuvole piene
di liquidi incantesimi.
Viene giù lieve
la pioggia stamani.

A Lipogram on Ⓡ

Our friend Eletta SensoInchiostronerodenso – proposed a  lipogram, i.e. a  text that purposefully excludes a particular letter of the alphabet, in this case the letter R.

Since it is impossible for me to translate my text into English, and difficult to create one in a language that is not mine, I’m posting  a brief try containing  also a request:

“I am unable to compose  an intelligent  and long text complying with  the task, because I find it  difficult, especially in a language that is not mine, so, please,  help me and send what you have made up in the  comments following this post!”

NB: Here is the definition of lipogram given by Wikipedia

A lipogram (from Ancient Greek: λειπογράμματος, leipográmmatos, "leaving out a letter") is a kind of constrained writing or word game consisting of writing paragraphs or longer works in which a particular letter or group of letters is avoided. Extended Ancient Greek texts avoiding the letter sigma are the earliest examples of lipograms.

Writing a lipogram may be a trivial task when avoiding uncommon letters like Z, J, Q, or X, but it is much more challenging to avoid common letters like E, T, or A in the English language, as the author must omit many ordinary words. Grammatically meaningful and smooth-flowing lipograms can be difficult to compose. Identifying lipograms can also be problematic, as there is always the possibility that a given piece of writing in any language may be unintentionally lipogrammatic. For example, Poe's poem The Raven contains no Z, but there is no evidence that this was intentional.

Ann Seeking Divine Perspective – wrote:

Oh, I get it now. You make a good point. This is less difficult than avoiding “E.” But now I need to get on with my day, as I can occupy myself too much with mental calisthenics and exhaust my mind… 

Pate-Quips – added:

 I have difficulty following the path dictated by the guideline of the game because of the limitations imposed.”

AllanPicture This – sent the following

A unique task Luisa and well done by you. I would find it difficult and challenging to accomplish this one, without thinking about it constantly, like I have done in this comment back to you. I hope my attempt is meaningful to the style. Happy Wednesday Luisa. Allan

Daphny Daphny the introvert writer – has just commented:

I had no clue what it was called, seen it some places but not much knowledge on it. Quite fascinating I should say, well done Luisa.

Priscilla – Priscilla Bettis, Author – said:

“I have not done text excluding something until now, but I’ll give it a shot. You picked a difficult item to exclude! Fun challenge, Luisa!”

Here is Manuel’s contribution in his language, Spanish. He blogs at macalderblog

Mi afición es solo la poesía dado que viene ligada a mi existencia. Si pienso así, continuo viviendo. No puedo con las lecturas extensas porque en cinco líneas de mis poema, soy global. En fin, el sitio idóneo de un deseo imaginado, donde se acabe la ansiedad, es tu blog Luisa. Cobija las emociones y se conjuga la honestidad de la ideas con tu avasallante don de gente.
Es tu cualidad que consigues de una manera sutil y modesta.

Lov Verma, who blogs at Underthetamarindtree, wrote:

I will attempt to pen down some thoughts, while avoiding something. Wish me luck! India is a huge nation, often called a sub-continent. Many languages, people, et al. We have an old civilization, values and ethics. In days gone by, we voyaged to many nations and bequeathed them all this. So they owe us a debt. But we take it lightly. We have many difficulties also. But we will defeat them handsomely and leave behind a splendid and stunning legacy!

71 thoughts on “Lipogramma Ⓡ

  1. I did not know “lipogram” is what you call it. I will try to omit a most common symbol in this post….
    Wow, this is hard.

    (The letter was “E.”) Years ago I heard about a whole book that was written without any E’s in it! Quite a challenge, since it’s the most common letter in the English language. I heard the book wasn’t all that great, but it must have been quite a mental exercise.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A unique task Luisa and well done by you. I would find it difficult and challenging to accomplish this one, without thinking about it constantly, like I have done in this comment back to you. I hope my attempt is meaningful to the style. Happy Wednesday Luisa. Allan

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Si, ci provo:
        Ogni di’ scatto tante foto all’ambiente, agli animali, al cielo, ai laghi, ai paesini dell’Italia o della Finlandia.
        E’ la mia passione.
        Le pubblico poi sul mio blog.
        C’e’ chi le vede e mi fa un complimento: quanta gioia mi da’!

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Luisa ancora! ma non mi vuoi far riposare , lo sai che sulle parole sono un mago (con lo zigo zago). Eppure io pendo dalle bocche delle donne come vossignoria. Ho un debole, eppur prendo sali minerali, ma quando oltre il cuore lavorano pure i muscoli ci sono delle defaillances! Ma sei sempre la mia fanciulla (ahaha!) del Nord!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Cuando Luisa te pide unirse a ella, su fino hechizo nos envuelve en su desafío.
    Mi afición es solo la poesía dado que viene ligada a mi existencia. Si pienso así, continuo viviendo. No puedo con las lecturas extensas porque en cinco líneas de mis poema, soy global. En fin, el sitio idóneo de un deseo imaginado, donde se acabe la ansiedad, es tu blog Luisa. Cobija las emociones y se conjuga la honestidad de la ideas con tu avasallante don de gente.
    Es tu cualidad que consigues de una manera sutil y modesta.

    PD. L’ho fatto nella mia lingua in modo da poter seguire la regola

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I will attempt to pen down some thoughts, while avoiding something. Wish me luck! India is a huge nation, often called a sub-continent. Many languages, people, et al. We have an old civilization, values and ethics. In days gone by, we voyaged to many nations and bequeathed them all this. So they owe us a debt. But we take it lightly. We have many difficulties also. But we will defeat them handsomely and leave behind a splendid and stunning legacy!


    1. Grazie per la risposta/lipogramma.
      Ho trovato quasi più facile l’inglese, perché in italiano bisogna evitare i futuri, gli infiniti e i conseguenza i verbi servili e tutti gli altri che reggono l’infinito🤗💙🤗

      Liked by 1 person

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