Tautogramma in Ⓥ

Questa settimana Eletta Senso (Inchiostronerodenso) ha proposto un Tautogramma (gioco linguistico in cui tutte le parole del testo iniziano con la stessa lettera, tranne articoli e preposizioni) in come Valentino.
Ecco le mie due proposte. Aspetto le vostre nei commenti, se volete giocare con me

1 Versione valorosa : Vae Victis!

Veni Vidi Vici
Vercingetorige vulnerato
vaga verso villaggi vicini

2 Versione valentina

Vagando verso valli verdeggianti
vedo viole variopinte
vibrare voluttuosamente al vento.

Vorrei volare vivace e vittoriosa
vanificando le vendette velenose
di vespe vigliacche e viscide vipere.

Didì @didiluce photo blog :

Vibranti volute di vento vollero volume a vele vagabonde verso vastità.

Felice SerinoAssonanze :

Veleggiare col vento in variegate visioni vaneggiando in virtuosismi.”

Stefano meetusalem:

“Vibrazioni vitali. Vedi Valeria volevi vivere vanamente, via…..vorrei vederti vestita”

Luisella Tra Italia e Finlandia:

Viviamo vegliando.

Vorremmo vedere vivacità, vincere vacuità.
Volgiamo verso venture vicissitudini vorticosamente.

Fulvialuna tuttolandia :

“Volerò vivendo viaggi che
velieri vivaci vagabondano !”

Andrea/Kikkakonekka  – Non sono ipocondriaco

Vivida visione! Vergini viziose, vulnerabili. Veramente vanitose, vista veloce… vado!”

Gian Paolo – newwhitebear

Valenti visitatori vincete vitalizio verso Venezia. Venite virgulti, vocia vegliarda vogliosa. Vigilate vigliacchi!”

This week Eletta Senso (Inchiostronerodenso) proposed a Tautogram, i.e. language game in which all content words (typically nouns, verbs, adjectives, or some adverbs, i.e. words that have meaning) begin with the same letter. In this case the letter is V as in Valentine.
Here is my proposal, I invite you, if you like, to add tautograms in your own language

Valued visitors, verify your versatility
Voluntarily verbalizing
Variations in V

Daphny The introvert writer :

Vision varies very vividly.

Allan Picture This:

“Various valiant vassals vanquished vicious villains very vigorously, vetting victory.”

Pat e-Quips:

Varied verbage verily visualizes verbatim values. Very veldon”

LamittanLaminsa Indies

Va-va-voom! Voilà, very viable.”

Jean-Louis Tout l’opéra (ou presque)

“Vraiment, Vincent vit une vie de vice et de vicissitude. Voyez ce voyou voler votre vélo.”

Abel Abilheira – abel abilheira:

vers vertes vallées
voyage votre vie vagabonde
videz vos vaines valises
vite vous y viendrez

The following comes from Mr Bump: i decided to include it because it’s cool even if it is off topic, the words had to start with V as in Valentine, while Mr Bump used M as in Mysterious Mistake😉

“My moody. malcontent missus managed to moan from morning to midnight, with minimal mirth.”

Although the next does not concern the letter V, I’ll publish this too as a another pleasant exception. It was sent by GordonWhite Box Art Channel, who wrote:

We called it alliteration at our primary school. We had to remember this one

“Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked;
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?”

A peck is an old English measure of about 2 gallons. It was mainly used for measuring dry quantities rather than liquid – well there you go!!

62 thoughts on “Tautogramma in Ⓥ

  1. We called it alliteration at our primary school. We had to remember this one
    “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
    A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked;
    If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
    Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?”
    A peck is an old English measure of about 2 gallons. It was mainly used for measuring dry quantities rather than liquid – well there you go!!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I think I learned the style tautogram after my Subtle post. Good to know it is more than alliteration. Various valiant vassals vanquished vicious villains very vigorously, vetting victory. Cheers Luisa. Allan

    Liked by 1 person

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