“While My Guitar Gently Weeps”: 1. Lyrics and Introduction

I look at you all see the love there that’s sleeping
While my guitar gently weeps
I look at the floor and I see it needs sweeping
Still my guitar gently weeps

I don’t know why nobody told you
How to unfold your love
I don’t know how someone controlled you
They bought and sold you

I look at the world and I notice it’s turning
While my guitar gently weeps
Every mistake, we must surely be learning
Still my guitar gently weeps

I don’t know how you were diverted
You were perverted too
I don’t know how you were inverted
No one alerted you

“While My Guitar Gently Weeps” was written by George Harrison and recorded by the Beatles in 1968. Eric Clapton played lead guitar on this song although he was not formally credited to the album. He was the only guest artist to ever contribute a guitar solo to a Beatles album.
Harrison got Clapton to play in the song not only because of their lifelong friendship, but for other reasons as well. This song it marked Harrison’s return from sitar to guitar and therefore he considered it unfair for himself to play the lead after a period in which he had not committed himself to the instrument.
He was also aware that Clapton’s presence would ease the mood in the studio at a tense time for the Beatles.
Another reason was that he sometimes had to fight to get his songs on the albums and knew that John Lennon and Paul McCartney were not interested in this song at first, but accepted when Clapton arrived at the studio.

The inspiration for the song came to Harrison while reading the I Ching or Book of Changes , (an ancient Chinese manual of divination) which seemed to him “to be based on the Eastern concept that everything is relative to everything else, as opposed to the Western view that things are merely coincidental”. From this idea that whatever happens is bound to happen and every little thing has a purpose, he decided to write a song based on the first words he would see by opening a book at random as it would be relative to that moment. He picked up a book and the first phrase he read was gently weeps . So he put it down and started writing the lyrics.

Vi guardo tutti, vedo l’amore che sta dormendo
mentre la mia chitarra piange dolcemente
Guardo il pavimento e vedo che è da spazzare
e ancora la mia chitarra piange dolcemente

Non so perché nessuno vi ha detto
come rivelare il vostro amore
Non so come siete stati controllati
venduti e comperati

Guardo il mondo e mi accorgo che gira
mentre la mia chitarra piange dolcemente
con ogni errore da cui dobbiamo sicuramente imparare
e la mia chitarra continua a piangere dolcemente

Non so come siate stati deviati
e anche corrotti
Non so come siate stati capovolti
Nessuno vi ha messo in allerta

While My Guitar Gently Weeps / Mentre la mia chitarra piange dolcemente” fu scritta da George Harrison e incisa dai Beatles nel 1968. Nella canzone è presente la chitarra solista di Eric Clapton, che si esibisce in assolo strepitoso, sebbene non sia stato formalmente accreditato nell’album. Clapton è stato l’unico artista che abbia mai contribuito con un assolo di chitarra a un album dei Beatles.
Harrison riuscì a convincere Clapton a suonare nella canzone non solo per la grande amicizia che li univa, ma anche per altri motivi. Infatti questa canzone segnò il ritorno di Harrison dal sitar alla chitarra e quindi non riteneva corretto il ruolo di protagonista fosse il suo, dopo un periodo in cui aveva trascurato lo strumento.
Era inoltre conscio che la presenza di Clapton avrebbe alleggerito l’atmosfera in studio, in un momento molto teso per i Beatles
Un’altra ragione era che talvolta aveva dovuto lottare per inserire le sue canzoni negli album e anche quella volta John Lennon e Paul McCartney all’inizio non erano dichiarati interessati alla canzone, che venne accettata quando Clapton giunse nello studio.

Il testo fu ispirato dalla lettura dell’I Ching o Libro dei Mutamenti , (un antico testo divinatorio cinese) che a Harrison ” sembrava basato sul concetto orientale che tutto è relativo a tutto il resto, in contrasto con la visione occidentale che le cose sono solo casuali.”
Da questa idea che qualunque cosa accada è destinata ad accadere e che ogni minima cosa ha uno scopo, Harrison decise di scrivere una canzone basata sulle prime parole che avrebbe visto aprendo un libro a caso poiché sarebbe stato un fatto relativo a quel momento. Ciò che lesse fu “piange dolcemente“, quindi posò il libro e iniziò a scrivere la canzone .

71 thoughts on ““While My Guitar Gently Weeps”: 1. Lyrics and Introduction

  1. Oggi non piangerebbe dolcemente. Ma era il ’68 tempo d’illusioni e di speranze (speranza e illusione vanno sempre insieme). Chissà se avesse trovato la frase cadono con violenza cosa avrebbe scritto! Grazie, cara Luisa 🙏🌹 di questo salto nel nostro passato🤗 e di queste notizie biografiche di un uomo che ha saputo accettare.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Marcello caro, grazie per il tuo messaggio e per il suggerimento provocatorio di dove potrebbe essere stato condotto Harrison se, in base al principio nelle connessioni non casuali, avesse trovato qualcosa di ben più negativo

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Another insightful explanation. The words ring very true with war breaking out in Europe. We are all gently weeping. Since Putin told lies that nobody believed to justify the invasion, perhaps he will tell more lies to explain ending the war, that his objectives were achieved so no need for further bloodshed and destruction.


      1. Putin’s war is a prime example of why the temporary comfort of having an authoritarian figure in charge, is a false hope. You would have thought people who have learned that from Hitler, but….


      2. t seems that people are unable to learn
        Harrison says it too:
        “Every mistake, we must surely be learning
        Still my guitar gently weeps”
        How I will write in tomorrow’s post
        we might stop letting ourselves be misled , but that’s difficult because his guitar continues to “gently weep”.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Che pezzo meraviglioso e struggente!
    Sto guardando il sitar indiano portato qui dal suo viaggio nel lontano 1976.
    E stento a trattenere le lacrime pensando che lui dopo 46 anni è ancora qui e mi ricorda che Lorenzo è tornato a casa, non questa, non più.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for this incight Luisa. What an interesting thoughtful process used by George. Many people are not able to predict or even see cause and effect, but it appears his studies helped him see what to do. Thanks for this Sunday treat. Allan

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Forse saranno cambiati i tempi ma non ho più ritrovato gli autori di oggi quella sensibilità emotiva e nello stesso tempo il livello musicale degli autori che hai citato Dai Beatles A Eric Clapton ‘slow hand’, che è tra i miei preferiti.
    Buono scorcio di domenica Luisa!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Grazie, Vitty.
      Hai ragione, mi sembrava brutto scrivere un post “leggero”, ma poi mi sono accorta che è necessario anche sollevarsi un po’, in questa serie di notizie terrificanti
      Buona serata


    1. I think it’s a great idea too, we should think about it a bit
      In addition, there is the theory of the “butterfly effect”, according to which the flapping of a butterfly’s wings could eventually cause a tornado.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Good addition! Yes, the “butterfly effect” or “sensitivity to initial conditions” is a very neat idea, integral to modern academic research in complex (dynamic) systems (has been in much psychology publications in recent decades).

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you Luisa another masterpiece that we can all learn from my thoughts today are with my friends in the Ukraine in grandma’s house where I spent a lot of time they spoke seven languages one of the languages was Ukrainian I met some of her friends that she came from Poland and settled here in one of the Cities and as old ladies they would visit Grandma and have tea grandma wouldn’t allow animals in the house but sometimes it come with their little doggies and grandma would put a little something on the floor in a bowl for them I would listen to the conversations and pick up words they would talk about God and Jesus Hitler in war and cry then again at nine years old it was a knock on the door my father wasn’t around he was in Canada with one of his girlfriends my brothers weren’t born yet so it was just mommy and me are Gas and Electric was turned off it was cold and there was no food to eat the knock on the door was a lady with an accent Natalie sawkiw and she was Ukrainian and beautiful and she had her little daughter my age Oksana and her little boy called Luby the song what condition my mother was in and how cold it was at night Natalie came back was close from me and four bags of groceries and her husband brought her his name was wassel they talked to my mother in English and I listened husband and wife did time in a concentration camp when they were little because they were Ukrainian Christians the gentleness in the love I will never forget we remained friends for many years NOW THE SUFFERING STARTS 💔 UP AGAIN.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your childhood memories are sweet and sad at the same time. You have been lucky enough to know many people, who surely appreciated your big heart.
      What the people of Ukraine are undergoing these days cannot be described in words, We can only hold them in our hearts and pray for them, and for us, because, as John Donne said, no man is an island but part of mankind 💕


  7. I heard a cover of the song in a movie, but I never knew the Beatles originally wrote and played the song! Also I love how deep you dug into the history of the song. Amazing that it was inspired by the I Ching!

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