Borges & Solitude

Jorge Luis Borges (born on 24 August 1899 ) was an Argentine writer.
Best known for his short stories and fictive essays, he was also a poet, critic, translator and man of letters.

La luna
Hay tanta soledad en ese oro.
La luna de las noches no es la luna
Que vio el primer Adán. Los largos siglos
De la vigilia humana la han colmado
De antiguo llanto. Mírala. Es tu espejo.
La noche
No puedo caminar por los suburbios en la soledad de la noche sin pensar que la noche nos agrada porque suprime los detalles ociosos, tal como lo hace nuestra memoria.

The Moon
There is such solitude in that gold.
The moon of these nights is not the moon
The first Adam saw. Long centuries
Of human vigil have filled her with
An old lament. See. She is your mirror.
The night
“I cannot walk through the suburbs in the solitude of the night without thinking that the night pleases us because it suppresses idle details, just as our memory does.”

La luna
C’è una tale solitudine in quell’oro.
La luna delle notti non è la luna
che vide il primo Adamo. Lunghi secoli
di veglie umane l’hanno colmata
di antico pianto. Guarda. È il tuo specchio.
La notte
“Non posso camminare per le periferie nella solitudine della notte senza pensare che la notte ci piace perché sopprime i dettagli oziosi, proprio come fa la nostra memoria.”

55 thoughts on “Borges & Solitude

  1. Excellent, well researched article on Jorge Luis Borges. It’s a sheer delight and a storehouse of knowledge. Yes, that’s what I would call your blogs. You are too good. 🌹🌹🌹🌹♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️. Keep blogging. An avid reader and a huge fan looks forward to the next article. 😊😊😊

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Borges… In questi giorni ho trasportato e spostato centinaia di libri… Mi è capitato in mano un volume di questo grande scrittore e poeta e l’ho tenuto da parte senza impilarlo con gli altri perché mi piace averlo sempre vicino 🐞

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I was introduced to Borges while taking Spanish classes in Undergraduate school.

    My favorite volume is Ficciones. Glad to read some other works of his in translation! Thank you, for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Like all poets, Borges saw it as his mission to unravel and define the mysteries of the moon and its surrounding night. And humbly admitted his defeat, but succeeded in transferring his fascination to a wider public.

    Liked by 1 person

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