Birthday Blues

Un altro anno…

… impilato sul già greve fardello
rende arduo ogni passo verso il fottuto destino.
Curva è la schiena
Impossibile vedere il resto del cammino.

Gomitolo srotolato
che alla fine
corre veloce,
frenetico il tempo.

Mi accorgerò che sono giunta alla fine
o sarà un improvviso precipitare
nel nulla
implorando un’altra ora, una soltanto,
da caricare sulle spalle,
un’altra misera gugliata di filo da usare?


Another year…

… added to my heavy load
brings me closer to my sad fate.
My back is bent under the burden.
Impossible to see how much road remains

Like an unwinding
ball of yarn
that picks up speed
towards the end
time flies frantically
close to

Will I realize the end is coming
or just find myself sinking
into nothingness
begging for another hour, just one, to carry on my back,
another span of thread to use?

Image: John Strudwick – A Golden Thread (Tate Britain)

139 thoughts on “Birthday Blues

  1. Very very beautiful poem, dear Luisa. I wish you to complete a century, though everything is in the hands of God. Your blogs are real eye openers and so interesting that I miss you so much the day you don’t post. ❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Luisa ! ‘Ul altro anno’ appears to be a poetry coming out of your heart . A beautiful poetry with nice thought . But let your wishes be imaginary . An Indian Saint and Philosopher Acharya Rajnish used to say ‘ past is no more and future is not yet ‘. So , future is quite far . It is the weakness of our mind that we perceive it at our doorstep . Let the God give you long life . Thanks !

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Dear Luisa, how apt is your lament! My birthday is in about two weeks, but why I don’t like getting older, I feel there is still time to do something positive in my life. Your writing is important because we learn from you. You can enjoy the cultural riches of a beautiful city in a wonderful country, Italy.



    Liked by 2 people

  3. Il tempo purtroppo è inarrestabile ma con lo spirito giusto diventa nostro alleato🖤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. A profound poem. My dentist recently told me that one of my teeth was likely to break at some time and gave me the option of removing it now. It isn’t causing me trouble. My reply was “that depends on how long I’ve got. I’ll wait and see”


  5. Food for thought.Cibo per la mente o spuntino o cosa?abbuffata?trovo la metafora di vita e gomitolo great, che un giovane non può capire, perchè non l’ha ancora sperimentata.Il gomitolo srotola con più velocità alla fine.Ma rendiamoci conto che non è vero.Il tempo scorre con lo stesso ritmo sempre.Siamo noi a dover cambiare il punto di vista, anche se la mia impressione è proprio quella.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. “Mi accorgerò che sono giunta alla fine
    o sarà un improvviso precipitare
    nel nulla…”

    E chi lo sa?
    Credo dipenda anche da “come” uno muore: una lunga malattia, per dire, è diverso dal morire in un incidente improvviso.

    Ma perché crucciarsene ora?

    Liked by 4 people

  7. A sad poem for sure Luisa. Hopefully, there is also a happy one. Adding another year is also an achievement. I have already lived 17 years longer than my poor mother and 4 years longer than my poor father. Wishing you happiness and good health on your birthday. Allan 🕯️🎂🤗🤗

    Liked by 1 person

  8. No use to fight the passing of time. When I came to the realization that mine too is running out, I’ve decided to spend the remainder of my life to bring Karma and Dharma in balance with each other. No more chasing for money, fame, or eternal youth, but working to make the world a better place for those who come behind me. And remind yourself: the only way to avoid the perils of old age is to die young.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Luisa, siamo tutti sulla stessa barca della vita. La ” Signora ” non segue un ordine cronologico, quindi riuscire ad arrivare ad un’età matura, la considererei un privilegio. Goditi ogni giorno e lascia andare i cattivi pensieri!! Complimenti per la composizione, è bellissima!!! 🙂 ❤ Tu sei belllissima ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s just the passing of time, even though there has been no shortage of pains in my life, but fortunately there have also been many joys.
        Have a lovely Sunday, my dear friend ✨✨✨


  10. Cerise

    Dans le jardin je viens de te dire
    Que ce soir tu t’appelleras cerise
    Toujours envie de te faire rire
    Il je le crains bien qu’il m’arrive
    Si je ne craignais que tu me fasses une crise
    Un de toi cerise sur mon gâteux
    Avec et de moi j’aime bien
    Être très irrévérencieux
    Et ne pas me prendre au sérieux
    Ce qui et crois le bien
    N’enlève aucun sérieux
    Ni sincérité à mes t’aimer
    De ça j’en suis fier
    Comme d’avoir surmontées
    Mes anciennes galères
    Trop fort côtoyées
    J’en ai acquis les astucieux
    De bien savoir louvoyer
    Pour remonter les vents contraires.
    Pour que tu m’arrives
    Pour que j’atteigne tes rives
    Rien n’aurait su être laisser
    Aux pernicieuses dérives
    M’aime là je dois surmonter
    De toi tous ces pas assez
    Me faire te faire des bohèmes
    En t’envoyant mes poèmes
    Y mettre de jolies gaietés
    Pour tout ne parte à vaux l’eau
    Je fais de toi mon eau vive
    De mes désirs de te vivre
    Tu cours comme le ruisseau
    Je cours je cours
    De tout mon amour
    Et je rattraperai
    Ma petite est comme l’eau
    Et dans ces trop beaux
    Je veux d’amour m’y noyer.

    C’était le temps des fleurs
    celui aux mille couleurs.
    Songer au temps des cerises,
    c’est juste une petite brise.
    Qui se pose sur mon cœur,
    comme un porte bonheur.
    Il est fini le temps des galères,
    dans nos cœurs la misère.
    où tout était si froid, si froid,
    Et ou tout faisait mal ! broie…
    partis ces horreurs, peurs.
    Maintenant nous anime,
    Un éclair sublime.
    Tu chantes, je souris
    et, enfin tu oublies…
    Je mets sur ton front la beauté,
    le verbe aimer plus au passé.
    ce gouffre acharné qui fait mal
    et, lourdement s’enflamme, femme-
    Qui brûle si fort nos âmes
    Nous l’avons décapité.
    L’aube doucement est née.
    tu me dis: donne moi ce panier,
    Aux oreilles j’ai gardé,
    deux petites cerises rouges,
    qui s »agitent des que je bouge.
    tu m’entraînes vers la rivière,
    Il n’y a pas de riz amer.
    juste l’écho de ton amour,
    qui me transporte si loin,
    sans nul autre besoin.
    Que de nous aimer toujours.
    un de mes publications (pour toi chère amie)

    Liked by 1 person

  11. La poesia è molto bella e mi piace la metafora del gomitolo che hai usato ..🌹 Però quando ancora c’è la salute il trascorrere degli anni occorre saperli affrontare con lo giusto spirito ed è quello l’essenziale, senza rammarichi e soprattutto senza fasciarsi la testa ancora prima di rompersela. Poi anch’io se mi guardo indietro mi dico: ma come è possibile mi sembra ieri che avevo venti anni!!! Anche tu sei dell’Acquario come me, personalmente rispecchio molto le caratteristiche somatiche del segno 😉 Buona serata carissima Luisa e sii serena questo è l’importante. Un affettuoso abbraccio 🥰

    Liked by 1 person

  12. §
    . . . Réaction d’un responsable Pfizer
    lorsqu’il s’aperçoit qui a été filmé


    Pfizer Exposed For Exploring “Mutating” COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines Via ‘Directed Evolution’


    Last nights must watch @TuckerCarlson
    segment on our #DirectedEvolution bombshell

    🚨 US Senate to LAUNCH Pfizer Investigation After @Project_Veritas
    BOMBSHELL on #DirectedEvolution! Great job @JamesOKeefeIII

    US SENATOR Rubio sends letter to Pfizer CEO after Project Veritas’ undercover video
    NEW YORK (FLV) – Sen. Marco Rubio, R-FL, sent a letter to Pfizer after an undercover Project Veritas video revealed the company may be conducting gain-of-function research, which it dubs “directed evolution” research, to mutate COVID-19 to create additional, more potent variants.

    Project Veritas released a video where Jordon Trishton Walker, who they report is a Pfizer executive, said that the company may be exploring a way to “mutate” COVID via “directed evolution” to preempt the development of future vaccines.
    Why are Google and most media outlets concealing the fact that Jordan Trishton Walker—the Phizer executive caught on camera by Project Veritas—appeared to be bragging about COVID gain-of-function research being conducted by Phizer?

    Most watched vid in Veritas history closing on 16M views on Twitter alone. It’s become a phenomenon.
    In an extraordinary series of events, no legacy media seems to be asking questions. That’s fine, we’ll do their jobs for them.

    Project Veritas:
    @pfizer Exec Jordon Trishton Walker wrote in a 2011 college blog of his that he wants to “work for a pharmaceutical company running clinical trials” & “assist the evil Big Pharma companies.”
    2011… Trishton Walker:
    PfizerJanuary 26, 2023 at 8:59 PM
    Boy, do I have a job for you, young man…
    Share this video to hold Pfizer accountable immediately

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr
    Amazing reporting by James O’Keefe showing us what we already knew: Pfizer is a craven venal homicidal morally bankrupt criminal enterprise that has captured and corrupted its regulators.


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  13. Lu’ caracara davvero spero sia un tuo esercizio poetico, molto ben riuscito, ma troppo scorato per essere il tuo compleanno!
    Eppure capisco tutti arriviamo a fare i conti vll tempo, gomitolo che si srotola.
    Vuoi un muffin al cioccolato se è il tuo compleanno e anche se non lo fosse festeggiamo💕💕💕🍸🍸

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Mentre mi complimento sentitamente per la tua splendida poesia eccomi a te, cara Luisa, col seguente commento un po’ in tema, in quanto …..

             O  R  M  A  I                           
    Da molto, troppo tempo ormai io campo,
    senza gli occhiali vedo solo in fondo,
    è un problema la cerniera lampo,
    mi attrae sempre meno il crine biondo.
    Ormai più non ricordo manco se
    la vita l’ho vissuta bene o male,
    per non dire del come e del perchè
    abbia fatto o no quello che vale.
    Vivo nell’anticamera del “dopo”
    e aspetto che si apra quella porta.
    Ormai soltanto uno è il mio scopo:
    veder come entrerò, se con la scorta
    di demoni con gran teste di topo
    o d’angeli con spade e gonna corta.

    ( Cassandro)

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  15. Happy birthday, Luisa!
    Beautiful post! A lot more poetic than what I’ve been saying lately… “Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer you get to the end, the faster it goes. :/
    Of course, with the promises of Jesus, as I approach my 70th birthday in February, I’m smiling, thinking I’m one year closer to forever with Him. ❤

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