Joss Whedon Quotes

Joss Whedon (born 23 June 1964) – American screenwriter, film and television director, film and television producer, comic book author, composer and actor.

Video: Images taken from “Much Ado About Nothing” by Joss Whedon, who managed to give a contemporary spin to Shakespeare’s classic comedy by using the original text and offering the story of Beatrice and Benedick a dark, sexy and sometimes absurd vision of the intricate game of love.
Music by Nat King Cole

Joss Whedon (nato il 23 giugno 1964) – Sceneggiatore, regista cinematografico e televisivo americano, produttore cinematografico e televisivo, autore di fumetti, compositore e attore.

Video: Immagini tratte da ” Much Ado About Nothing/Molto Rumore Per Nulla” di Joss Whedon , che è riuscito a dare una interpretazione contemporanea alla commedia classica di Shakespeare utilizzando il testo originale e offrendo alla storia di Beatrice e Benedick una visione oscura, sexy e talvolta assurda dell’intricato gioco che è l’amore .
Musica di Nat King Cole

58 thoughts on “Joss Whedon Quotes

  1. Yes, I have the same experience with all my art, be it visual or literary. You finish something and then you release it to the public and lots of people find things into it that I didn’t intend. I usually release a work with some small comment about what my aim was, but I’m most happy with those who develop their own relation with it. You could compare it with a triangular relation: artist, artwork, and public.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The idea of ​​a triangular relationship, artist, work of art and public, is beautiful.
      In my opinion, if others discover aspects in an artist’s works that he had not consciously thought about at the time of creation, it indicates that anyone can appropriate his/her message, digest it and make it their own.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. An amazing story teller for sure. I really enjoyed his SciFi comedy series, Firefly. Too bad that did not last. I love the quotes, but for some reason, there appears to a fair bit of controversy swirling around him. Have a great Sunday Luisa. Allan


  3. Thank you for sharing that adorable video! 💕 I’ve often described my poems as children, with different personalities and different stories of origin, and lately I’ve been feeling I need to revisit some of them, so the first quote speaks to me. ✨🙏🏻


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