Earth Day 🌍

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated by the people all over the world on April 22, with the aim of inspiring awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment.

It was first organized in 1970 to promote ecology and respect for life on the planet as well as to awaken public opinion to the growing problems of air, water, and soil pollution.

On Earth Day 2016, the Paris Agreement was signed at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. This is an agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in order to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and limit global warming.

Native American proverb

La Giornata Mondiale della Terra è un evento annuale celebrato il 22 aprile allo scopo di ispirare consapevolezza e apprezzamento per l’ambiente terrestre.

Venne organizzata per la prima volta nel 1970 per promuovere l’ecologia e il rispetto della vita sul pianeta, e per sensibilizzare sui crescenti problemi dell’inquinamento dell’aria, dell’acqua e del suolo.

In occasione della Giornata della Terra del 2016, fu firmato l’Accordo di Parigi presso la sede delle Nazioni Unite a New York. Si tratta di un accordo all’interno della Convenzione quadro delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climatici al fine di mitigare le emissioni di gas serra e limitare il riscaldamento globale.

Proverbio dei Nativi Americani

110 thoughts on “Earth Day 🌍

  1. Luisa ! The Earth has been created by the God for the posterity . We all are only renters . Not permanent inhabitants at all . So, we don’t have authority at all to change its environment & thus , ecology .Thanks !

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Unfortunately I can only share your great apprehension and your terrible conviction 🥹
      Maybe it will be the planet itself that sooner or later will rebel and destroy us all, before we destroy it completely by destroying one another ._.;

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you, Luisa, for you most eloquent post devoted to reminding us that the urgent action is needed to protect mother Earth from destruction. Many ideas are being implemented but I would urge every one to plant at least one tree, if each person planted one tree we would have much cleaner air and much less pollution as trees are the lungs of the earth.
    I love the proverb! Thank you!


    Liked by 4 people

    1. This spring, we celebrated planting our 100th tree on our farm. My wife and I are committed to planting ten trees each month through to the end of fall, a tradition we’ve upheld since acquiring the property in 2020. Additionally, we’ve engaged a contractor to enhance our home’s insulation, reducing our heating and cooling demands. With collective effort, we can significantly mitigate the effects of global warming.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Dear friend, you and Amelia are wise enough to take actions of great value.
        This is because you understand certain precious values, which a mentality aimed only at immediate profit forcibly ignores

        Liked by 2 people

      2. The illusion of progress often feels like a deceptive veil, and it becomes clear that what was once thought to be advancement can sometimes lead us away from the deep, intricate truths that took lifetimes to unearth.

        I would love to hear your thoughts. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      3. I agree with your reflections: the illusion of progress is often a deceptive veil, but many are unable to grasp the reality which is sometimes very crude, because they are accustomed to no longer thinking with their own heads or convinced by those who profit at the expense of the whole humanity

        Liked by 2 people

    2. Planting trees? In my town they are eliminating them to build even more concrete: and just think that years ago we were considered one of the greenest towns in the area.
      But as we know, economic interests reign supreme. Everywhere

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Happy Earth Day Luisa. I love the last quote, because it is so true. Today, we are walking in the forest with our son and grandbaby, as well as Benji the Wonder Dog. I could think of no better way or place to honour the day. Allan

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Many thanks to you for your reply!
      Unfortunately in Italy in recent months the articles dedicated to the climate crisis in the main newspapers have decreased while the advertising of polluting companies has reached record levels.
      According to Greenpeace Italia, in the evening news, “influenced by the impact of the Meloni government on Rai” the space for those who oppose the ecological transition has doubled.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. True, dear Malc!
      I think we are the first generation to feel the serious impact of climate change, but many have no qualms about not taking virtuous actions if they affect their interests, so maybe we will be the last generation that could have done something about it


  4. Great post, Louisa, on this very special day! I read a headline this morning that in one part of the world, China, the land is sinking & a third of their urban population is at risk of land subsidence (10 millimetres/year). Due to climate change but also the extraction of groundwater from aquifers & the WEIGHT of buildings is what is putting lives & LIFE at risk. 🤗🙋‍♂️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you wholeheartedly for your appreciation, dear Ashley🙏🙏🙏
      As regards the sinking of many areas, in Italy the sea is constantly rising and the land sinking: our coastal areas are now much more at risk than in the past

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Sai invece che cosa ho appena letto?
      “Sui principali quotidiani italiani calano gli articoli dedicati alla crisi climatica, ma aumentano le pubblicità delle aziende inquinanti, mentre sui telegiornali serali, segnati dall’influenza del governo Meloni sulla Rai, raddoppia lo spazio per chi si oppone alla transizione ecologica. È il quadro sconfortante che emerge dal nuovo rapporto che Greenpeace Italia ha commissionato all’Osservatorio di Pavia… ”

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It seems we are already passed the “wake up” call. In America, so many recalls on foods now. Constantly, along with all the natural disasters, war, inflation, planes falling apart, migration problem…. I think, this must have been what happened before Noah’s Arc was built. God got fed up and wanted to start over. Anyhow, let’s focus on “positively.” It’s the ONLY way to turn things around. If we could only get the media to share positive stories of good being done in the world, MORE good would be done. Have a beautiful day! 🌺


    1. Vero, la nostra Terra è una madre troppo spesso maltrattata.
      Non dobbiamo tuttavia scaricare le responsabilità solo e sempre sui governanti e sulle industrie che, guidati dalle logiche di marketing, assecondano supinamente i nostri usi, costumi e consumi.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Happy Earth Day 🌳 so beautifully written the lines and inspiring 🌹🙏👍🏻😍 actually we destroying the beauty of
    Nature by cutting valuable trees from the earth 🌏 we want to save our earth wonders always for our sake 👌🌷
    Have a lovely Wednesday my dear Author friend 🌹🙏💕🌺

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