Haiku  (◔▾◔)                                                                   

Eletta Senso questa settimana ha proposto (qui) un haiku su questo aprile ancora freddo e piovoso. Come sapete, questa forma poetica ha una struttura molto semplice: tre versi composti da 17 sillabe in totale: il primo verso ha 5 sillabe, il secondo 7, il terzo 5.

Ecco il mio:

Se volete giocare con noi, inviate i vostri haiku che verranno aggiunti qui sotto⤵️

Biagina – parole e basta

una rondine
cela il proprio volo
nella fiducia

Francesca – FA minore

Aprile, fresco,
Vivido, luminoso.
Ma sta finendo.

Shera – sherazade2011

Fa freddo oggi
Rabbrividisce anche
Il mite lilla.

Daniela – Il Canto delle Muse

Sguardi di lana
su rondini e viole
troppo precoci

Luisella – Tra Italia e Finlandia

Ancora neve
Aprile crudele ma

Silvano – Silvano Bottaro Blog

Nel bosco
Chiazze e rivoli di colore
Aprile, primavera

unallegropessimista ha mandato un messaggio che potrebbe diventare un haiku:

Sulle sillabe
son scarso ma potrei
fare di meglio

Silvia – silviadeangelis40d

Freddo improvviso
s’ammansiscono bocci
sotto la pioggia


Far tre Aiku
giocati sopra il “troppo”
è forse “troppo”.

Tu sei “troppo”.
Esatto: “troppo” bella,
e brava “troppo”.

L’invidia che
ti perseguiterà
“troppo” sarà.

Che Gli hai fatto
per farti Dio così?
Di certo “troppo”!

Stefano Pierini

io leggo Bunin! Oibò!
Ascoltami eh!

Vikibaum – tramineraromatico

sorride aprile
sciarpe, felpe e ombrelli
colori d’acqua

Gian Paolo – Il regno di newwhitebear

Cielo sereno,
dopo cupo grigiore
aria limpida.

Rosalba – Nella mente e nel cuore

Anche se piove
c’è un sole dorato.
Viva la vita!


caro aprile/
riempi qualche barile/
gocce di vita/

This week’s proposal is a Haiku on this still cold and rainy April. As you know, these poetic forms have a very simple structure consisting of 17 syllables arranged in three lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively.

Here is mine:

If you want to play with us, send haikus in your own language: they will be shown here⤵️


Raining cats and dogs
Then entire menagerie of the shed
Rain makes us April fool .

Jag – baraenbildavmig

Naturen tvekar
våren väntar på värmen
Lynniga april.

Allan – Picture This

Vancouver in Spring
April blooms everywhere
A feast for the eyes.

Pat – e-Quipssent an old childhood riddle that has the right number of syllables to turn into a Haiku:

If April showers
brings May flowers, do May
flowers bring Pilgrims?

todaylsretired Engineer

Sweet April rain comes
quite often these days and
shines dark clouds away.

Mary – Midwest Mary

Fickle Spring

Rain, wind, sun, and clouds.
Warm and lovely, then chilly.
Fickle spring weather.

Monica – Spark of Inspiration

Wish upon a STAR
Dream, big dreams, for thirty days
Then watch what happens!

Cindy – Unique Times

fog shadows landscape
preserves blooms time to shine
bright future ahead!

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ sent a double haiku whose title is  There My Gothic Knight“:

There My Gothic Knight
Where I Seek Thy Crested Might
Dare High Gnostic Flight

There My Gothic Knight
Where I Seek Gypsy Delight
Spare Thy Crested Might

which is based on his own quatrain:

Swirls of Gypsy Delight
Usurp my Gothic Knight
Reign not SoundEagle🦅’s Flight
For I seek thy Crested Might

Annie – Seeking Divine Perspective

Jagged purple spires
Rainless, sapphire desert skies
Nature’s severe beauty.

Destiny – Destiny’s Designz

steady stream though soft
chilly dull some musical
raindrops on rooftops

107 thoughts on “Haiku  (◔▾◔)                                                                   

  1. Dear Luisa,

    I gladly submit the following to satisfy the Haiku form of 17 syllables arranged in three lines of 5, 7 and 5 syllables respectively. In addition, I have featured start rhymes, internal rhymes and end rhymes in my Haiku.

    There My Gothic Knight
    Where I seek thy Crested Might
    Bare All Gnostic Flight

    This new Haiku is based on my own quatrain:

    Swirls of Gypsy Delight
    Usurp my Gothic Knight
    Reign not SoundEagle🦅’s Flight
    For I seek thy Crested Might

    Yours sincerely,

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Dear Luisa,

        As you can see, I have submitted a double Haiku, and the title is “There My Gothic Knight“.

        There My Gothic Knight
        Where I Seek Thy Crested Might
        Dare High Gnostic Flight

        There My Gothic Knight
        Where I Seek Gypsy Delight
        Spare Thy Crested Might

        Yours sincerely,

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Luisa,

    Please kindly allow me the liberty to submit another Haiku to accompany the previous one.

    There My Gothic Knight
    Where I Seek Gypsy Delight
    Spare Thy Crested Might

    I am delighted that this exercise has resulted in a double Haiku.

    If you need an overall title for this double Haiku, then the title is “There My Gothic Knight“.

    Thank you.

    Yours sincerely,

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dear Luisa,

    I mentioned that I have submitted a double Haiku, and the title is “There My Gothic Knight“.

    There My Gothic Knight
    Where I Seek Thy Crested Might
    Dare High Gnostic Flight

    There My Gothic Knight
    Where I Seek Gypsy Delight
    Spare Thy Crested Might

    And the double Haiku is based on my own quatrain:

    Swirls of Gypsy Delight
    Usurp my Gothic Knight
    Reign not SoundEagle🦅’s Flight
    For I seek thy Crested Might

    Yours sincerely,

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Luisa,

    Thank you for the opportunity to partake in your Haiku (◔▾◔) exercise. I hope that you have found my double Haiku as well as my quatrain to be satisfactory in their form, metre and rhyme scheme.

    In return, I am extending an open invitation to you to participate in the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻.

    I am currently running the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻 in my post metaphorically entitled “📈🌆 Growing Humanity with Artificial Intelligence: A Sociotechnological Petri Dish with Latent Threats, Existential Risks and Challenging Prospects 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🤖🧫☣️”. So far, six excellent poems have been accepted and featured stylishly in the said post published at

    📈🌆 Growing Humanity with Artificial Intelligence: A Sociotechnological Petri Dish with Latent Threats, Existential Risks and Challenging Prospects 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🤖🧫☣️

    I look forward to your participation in the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻.

    Yours sincerely,

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Far tre Aiku 

    giocati sopra il “troppo”

    è forse “troppo”. 

    Tu sei “troppo”. 

    Esatto: “troppo” bella,

    e brava “troppo”. 

    L’invidia che

    ti perseguiterà 

    “troppo” sarà. 

    Che Gli hai fatto

    per farti Dio così?

    Di certo “troppo”!


    Liked by 4 people

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