L’elettricità (1): Volta e la pila

Il 20 marzo 1800 il grande chimico-fisico comasco Alessandro Volta (1745-1827) inviò al presidente della Royal Society, sir Joseph Banks, una lunga lettera in cui annunciò l’invenzione dell’ apparato elettromotore o apparato a colonna. Questo più tardi avrebbe preso il nome di pila derivante dal fatto che i dischi metallici che la facevano funzionare erano impilati uno sull’altro. Si trattava di dischi di zinco alternati a dischi di rame, con uno strato intermedio di cartone imbevuto di acqua salata (o resa acida) e rappresenta la prima osservazione del flusso di elettroni tra materiali di diverso potenziale elettrico.

Quella del 20 marzo 1800 non era una semplice lettera, ma un saggio scientifico su questo nuovo apparato chiamato dall’inventore organo elettrico artificiale per analogia a quello animale della torpedine.

Era il risultato di anni di studi e osservazioni precedenti, soprattutto sull’elettricità animale e sulle relative teorie di un altro italiano, Luigi Galvani, che sosteneva che gli animali fossero attraversati da un fluido elettrico notato durante i suoi esperimenti con le rane.
Alessandro Volta contestò tale ipotesi e intuì che non erano i muscoli della rana a dispensare la corrente che veniva invece generata nel contatto tra conduttori di specie diversa.
Fu così che i due scienziati inaugurarono un lungo e seguitissimo dibattito sull’origine e le forme dell’elettricità.

(1. continua)

Immagine: Wikimedia Commons, GuidoB Una pila voltaica in mostra al Tempio Voltiano di Como

58 thoughts on “L’elettricità (1): Volta e la pila

  1. Era il lontano… mmm… boh, per era tanto tempo fa, e io portavo come “tesina” all’esame di quinta elementare la pila di volta fatta con vecchie monete di rame e cartoncino impregnato in acqua salata! 😀

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  2. Che bello pensare che tutto il mondo, oggi particolarmente coi telefonini, sfruttano l’invenzione di due italiani… Alessandro Volta e Guglielmo Marconi… per non parlare del Meucci.
    Brava… hai fatto bene a ricordare Alessandro Volta… che poi Como non è molto distante.
    Buona serata.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Yes thank you I tell everyone make sure they have a warm coat they have their cell phone and they have warm shoes on before they go and I didn’t do any of that. all I knew was I didn’t want to ask the other Sharon to please throw out my garbage and she would have I just didn’t want to ask I can do this myself now and I’d wanted to beat the garbage truck I had a lot of trouble trying to open up the latch on the gate probably the weather and all of that but I gave it a big push that’s the Scotch-Irish and me and it opened and I felt good about myself and I did what I had to do and I also missed the garbage truck so but then I couldn’t get it to close I did everything to make it close and I couldn’t leave it open for the night with anyone wandering through here and I did everything to get it to close and I couldn’t and I finally gave it one big push and what happened was the gate bounced up is big heavy thing and it hit me in the chest and I had my hands out and the gate push towards me very very fast and my own hands were up and so it used my two fists to punch me into the chest and I fell backwards onto slate in the yard right onto my total hip replacement and I couldn’t get up there was no way of getting up and I had to crawl on my knees through the whole yard and up the ramp and everything and then go to emergency to see if the hips were broken I tell everyone be very careful but you know there was no way of seeing this cuz I didn’t rip it wasn’t my feet it wasn’t the shows I don’t know what it was and then a bird flew by went to the bathroom on my arm but I don’t know I just don’t understand. But that’s life right

        Liked by 1 person

      2. It was a terrible mishap!
        You are right, we usually make thousands of recommendations to others, but then we ourselves do not follow them.
        It could have ended much worse !,
        Please, ask for help if you need it, What can happen? At worst people find an excuse and tell you no
        I wish you a GOOD week 🤗😘🌹🍀🌼🤗

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  3. che bellissimo articolo, spieghi magnificamente in poche parole, grazie ^_^
    Mi ricordo di aver studiato a scuola queste cose, tanto tanto tempo fa e il tuo articolo mi ha fatto rivivere belle emozioni ^_^ oltre che rispolverare la memoria 😅

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Un argomento che amo poco…ma che ho subito per anni, mio fratello era pazzo per tutto ciò che era elettricità. faceva esperimenti, si è diplomato alla scuola elettra (se non ricordo male così si chiamava), ha preso brevetti di specializazzione…insomma…patito per l’elettricità. Ancora oggi.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Yes you are right the worst that could happen is you hear no,,, again.. the way I look at it is there’s no reason in this world why I can’t walk out there and throw my own garbage I didn’t fall over my feet the door came back hit me in the chest real hard I fell to the ground which was as I said slate ,extremely hard and cold I was very lucky again. I’ve taken many many Falls I have a mess I’ve had it for 30 years and I went for a long time without having the hip replacements too long I know how bad this could have ended I’m skinned up my knees are skinned my elbows are skinned my toenails are ripped off my clothes got filthy my hair got filthy but once I crawl to the handicap ramp I could pull myself up and once I pulled myself up upright I walk straight and tall and to my home but there are no children and I said to someone if I had that 45 or 50 year old son or daughter I would expect them to make Mom’s home safe and secure windows work well doors locks work well security lights are you can’t imagine Louisa how many people blame to me cameras the carpeting the stairs everything in order if you if Mom is expected to cook and take care of herself she needs a working stove working refrigerator working washing machine

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    1. You’re right, we have to hope for a better future, and you’re also right that a son could help with repairs. But I confess that I, even if I have two sons, I have to call painters,, electricians, plumbers and so on
      Lots of love💜🌺😘💖

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